Architettura Sonora je hčerinska družba enega od svetovno najbolj priznanih izdelovalcev zvočniških »driverjev« B&C Speakers, ki obvladuje 14 % svetovnega tržišča. V svojih zvočnih modulih uporablja posebne izvedbe najboljših profesionalnih zvočnikov lastne proizvodnje. Danes evropsko in svetovno prepoznavno ime ArchitetturaSonora se je po letu 2009 bliskovito prebilo na tržišče kot eden od najzanimivejših inovativnih audio sistemov ter postal vodilna znamka na področju audio instalacij zunanjih in notranjih prostorov. Poglavitna značilnost in prednost teh proizvodov je širok razpon možnosti instalacij zvočnih modulov. S svojo strukturo se ne vsiljujejo in ne spreminjajo prostora ampak se mu tako z obliko kot z materiali prilagajajo ter postanejo njegov sestavni del. Unikatno oblikovani zvočni moduli so iz različnih materialov, od teracotte, različnih vrst marmorja, granita, lesa, pa vse do kompozitnih legur in cementa (design mix concrete). Ustrezen in pozorno izbran nabor omenjenih materijalov ustvarja posebno vzdušje v prostorih in nam omogoča kreacijo unikatnih zvočnih instalacij. Poleg specifičnih oblik se zvočni elementi razlikujejo po namembnosti in sevalnemu kotu emisije zvoka, od omnidirekcionalnega zvoka ki se razširja 360 stopinj naokoli (floorstanding vgradni modeli) do omejenega ali zelo omejenega kota sevanja (Suspended modules).
To create something new and radical you have to start from scratch, questioning the way speakers have been designed and conceived so far. We experience spaces not only by seeing but also by listening. We investigated the relationship of Sound and Nature and the meaning of landscape not as a background to a performance, but as a key component to enhance acoustic experiences.
Every project is customised to match the design and acoustical environment. We work with the client to select the most appropriate materials.
By combining speakers with omnidirectional and directional emission, AS can transform a simple environment into an amazing sound experience. The extreme care in all designs makes the AS loudspeakers easy and natural to place, satisfying the most diverse requests, for both indoor and outdoor environments.
Spherina Air
Spherina goes back to the Architettura Sonora's roots, Sphere, an iconic image of High-End speakers, reworking and redisigning the shape into a new context, using new materials and refined details.
Characterized by a dual concentric 6" transducer, with coaxial mid-woofer and tweeter to create a virtual point source, linear and time coherent, providing a uniform omnidirectional coverage over the vertical axis
SOUND OUTPUT : Speaker type : 6” dual-concentric speaker Nominal impedance : 8 Ohms Crossover : two way on board Frequency range : 60-20.000 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 88 dB Speaker Peak Power : 300 W Speaker RMS Power : 150 W Recommended Amplifier Power : 200W (Class D)
The mid-woofer and the tweeter share the same axis, to achieve a virtually punctiform source, linear and time coherent, which, combined with the deflection system, ensures an ideal omnidirectional emission. The result is a very natural sound, not constrained to any fixed and obligated listening positions, with an amazing quality and clarity unusual in outdoor environments
SOUND OUTPUT : Speaker type : 6" dual- concentric speaker Nominal impedance : 8 Ω Crossover : two way on board Frequency range : 60-20.000 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 89 Db Speaker Peak Power : 300 W Speaker RMS Power : 150 W Recommended Amplifier Power : 200 W ( Class D)
Samples of colour palettes available for Spherina. Please refer to the AS Material Palette for details.
Distinguished by a warm and clean tonal balance, the Tall Cylinder is an omnidirectional loudspeaker, full-range or subwoofer.
Its balanced dimensions and neat lines make it ideal for any setting, both indoor and outdoor
FULL RANGE SOUND OUTPUT : Speaker type : 6” dual-concentric speaker Nominal impedence : 8 Ω Crossover : two way on board : Frequency range : 55-20.000 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 89 dB : Speaker Peak Power : 300W Speaker RMS Power : 150W Recommended Amplifier Power : 200W (Class D)
SUBWOOFER SOUND OUTPUT VERSION : Speaker type : 6” Woofer Nominal impedence : 8 Ω Crossover : no crossover on board - DSP needed (HP 35 Hz 12dB/oct min; LP 120 Hz 12 dB/oct min) Frequency range : 50-150 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 89 dB Speaker Peak Power : 300W Speaker RMS Power : 150W Recommended Amplifier Power : 200W (Class D)
The proportions and performance of the Medium Cylinder, the latest addition to the line, make it the perfect solution.
When integration and harmony with landscape and architecture is important as much as the high quality of sound
FULL RANGE SOUND OUTPUT : Speaker type : 6” dual-concentric speaker Nominal impedence : 8 Ω Crossover : two way on board Frequency range : 56-20.000 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 89 dB Speaker Peak Power : 300 W Speaker RMS Power : 150W Recommended Amplifier Power : 200W (Class D)
SUBWOOFER SOUND OUTPUT VERSION : Speaker type : 6” Woofer Nominal impedence : 8 Ω Crossover : no crossover on board - DSP needed (HP 35 Hz 12dB/oct min; LP 120 Hz 12 dB/oct min) Frequency range : 50-150 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 89 dB Speaker Peak Power : 300W Speaker RMS Power : 150W Recommended Amplifier Power : 200W (Class D)
Classic lines and clean detailing make the Sphere an AS design classic.
Available in a wide range of materials and finishing, full-range or subwoofer, with two different options for the base design, the Sphere adapts to any type of environment.
Omnidirectional loudspeaker characterized by a full and warm tonal balance
FULL RANGE SOUND OUTPUT : Speaker type : 6” dual-concentric speaker Nominal impedence : 8 Ω Crossover : two way on board Frequency range : 50-20.000 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 89 dB Speaker Peak Power : 300W Speaker RMS Power : 150W Recommended Amplifier Power : 200W (Class D)
SUBWOOFER SOUND OUTPUT VERSION : Speaker type : 6” Woofer Nominal impedence : 8 Ω Crossover : no crossover on board - DSP needed (HP 35 Hz 12dB/oct min; LP 120 Hz 12 dB/oct min) Frequency range : 42-150 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 89 dB Speaker Peak Power : 300W Speaker RMS Power : 150W Recommended Amplifier Power : 200W (Class D)
Sphere 470
Sphere 470 is the ideal solution when higher performance and volumes are required.
Available in both full-range and sub version.
FULL RANGE SOUND OUTPUT : Speaker type : 6” dual-concentric speaker Nominal impedence : 8 Ω Crossover : two way on board Frequency range : 50-20.000 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 89 dB Speaker Peak Power : 300W Speaker RMS Power : 150W Recommended Amplifier Power : 200W (Class D)
SUBWOOFER SOUND OUTPUT VERSION : Speaker type : 6” Woofer : Nominal impedence : 8 Ω Crossover : no crossover on board - DSP needed (HP 35 Hz 12dB/oct min; LP 120 Hz 12 dB/oct min) Frequency range : 40-150 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 89 dB Speaker Peak Power : 300W Speaker RMS Power : 150W Recommended Amplifier Power : 200W (Class D)
The perfect choice for people looking for wide dynamics in a rather small speaker, the Cubino, pure in form and mass, is compact only in size, but delivers a big sound; the 6-inch dual-concentric coaxial offers a wide frequency response in the full range version while the 6-inch woofer allows for a warm and powerful subwoofer.
The sleek, acoustically inert concrete body, available in four different finishing and colors, satisfies the demand for a clean and discreet design without compromising in acoustic quality.
FULL RANGE SOUND OUTPUT : Speaker type : 6" dual-concentric speaker Nominal impedence : 8 Ω Crossover : two way on board Frequency range : 55-20.000 Hz (-6 dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 89 dB Speaker Peak Power : 300 W Speaker RMS Power 150 W Recommended Amplifier Power : 200 W (Class D)
SUBWOOFER SOUND OUTPUT VERSION : Speaker type : 6" woofer Nominal impedence : 8 Ω Crossover : no crossover on board - DSP needed (HP 35 Hz 12dB/oct min; LP 120 Hz 12dB/oct min) Frequency range : 50-150 Hz (-6 dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 89 dB Speaker Peak Power : 300 W Speaker RMS Power : 150 W Recommended Amplifier Power : 200 W (Class D)
An omnidirectional loudspeaker characterized by a full and warm tonal balance, the Cube represents the top of the AS range.
Available in both full-range and sub version, it is ideal for environments requiring superiorsound quality and elegant design.
FULL RANGE SOUND OUTPUT : Speaker type : 6” dual-concentric speaker Nominal impedence : 8 Ω Crossover : two way on board Frequency range : 38-20.000 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 89 dB Speaker Peak Power : 300 W Speaker RMS Power : 150 W Recommended Amplifier Power : 200 W (Class D)
SUBWOOFER SOUND OUTPUT VERSION : Speaker type : 6” Woofer Nominal impedence : 8 Ω Crossover : no crossover on board - DSP needed (HP 35 Hz 12dB/oct min; LP 120 Hz 12 dB/oct min) Frequency range : 38-150 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 89 dB Speaker Peak Power : 300 W Speaker RMS Power : 150 W Recommended Amplifier Power : 200W (Class D)
Sophisticated High Performance
“When the going gets tough, the tough get going” … the new Cube2LV is a very powerful passive subwoofer that really breaks new ground and sets new standards for rich detailed bass performance in indoor and outdoor.
Everything about the Cube2LV is optimized for high-performance: a sophisticated and beautiful concrete body houses a remarkable 12-inch woofer (hence the name 2LV) that delivers "clubbing" performances of great pressure in both indoor and outdoor environments, a completely unprecedented accomplishment in the subwoofer category.
SUBWOOFER SOUND OUTPUT : Speaker type : 12" subwoofer Nominal impedence 4 Ω Crossover : No crossover on board - DSP needed (LP 100 Hz 18 dB/oct min) Frequency range : 20-150 Hz (-6 dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) : 93 dB Speaker Peak Power : 2000 W Speaker RMS Power : 1000 W Recommended Amplifier Power : Min. 500W (Class D)
Designed to meet any acoustic requirement
The versatility of the Icarus
The concept behind the NEW PARADIGM OF SOUND set by the new ICARUS Family is best represented by the introduction of the “ICARUS_stand-alone” model, the frst ALL-IN-ONE SYSTEM of this kind offering and extra wide coverage in a visually elegant and reifned audio system, seamlessly integrating with any design or space without compromising sound quality. “ICARUS” is composed by a high performing and extremely compact subwoofer, supporting a metal frame with two satellites that can be calibrated in terms of emission width thanks to their adjustable mechanics. This ultra-compact system delivers a crystal-clear sound produced by the two adjustable 3,5” satellites supported by a deep, uncompressed bass, even at high output levels, released by its 8-inch woofer. The ICARUS_STAND-ALONE was conceived and designed to meet any acoustic need, from a contemporary living space to a patio, and also for total outdoor marine environments by choosing the stainless steel 316L Marine Grade metal parts featured in the wide optional offer.
Speaker type : 8" Woofer Nominal impedance Sub 8Ω Crossover DSP needed Frequency range 40-150Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 87 dB/W/m Recommended Amplifier Power 250 W
Speaker type 2 x 3,5” Wide Band + Nominal impedance 4Ω Crossover DSP needed Frequency range 100-20.000Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 86 dB/W/m Recommended Amplifier Power 60W (Class D)
Dimensions 166.1cm H x 27 cm diam Weight 24kg
Design Giulia Archimede
Icarus Sub
Since longer wavelengths, low-end frequencies are able to pass through most obstacles, that is why the ICARUS_SUB has been designed to be easily placed everywhere, indoor and outdoor, hidden or exposed, to integrate seamlessly with any design or material due to its extremely elegant and refined design supporting any kind of low-frequency need without compromising sound quality. This powerful subwoofer has been specifcally designed to complete and support the Icarus family satellites, but can be very useful with the whole range of AS models, particularly suitable for pairing with cylinders considering its design.
SUBWOOFER SOUND OUTPUT : Speaker type 8” Woofer Nominal impedance : 4Ω Crossover DSP needed
Frequency range : 40-150Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity : (1W-1m) 87 dB/W/m Recommended Amplifier : Power 250 W
SPECIFICATIONS : Dimensions 34 h x 27 cm di diam. Weight : 16.5Kg
Design Giulia Archimede
Icarus MultiCeiling
ICARUS is the new range of speakers conceived to offer an alternative and complementary acoustic solution to our current production, seamlessly integrating with any design or space without compromising on sound quality.
The adaptability of Icarus Multiceiling
Icarus MultiCeiling completes the Icarus_Multi line, now showing its more versatile aspect. Icarus MultiCeiling is suitable for ceiling installations and features two 2-inch adjustable satellites.
Speaker type 2 x 2” Wide Band Nominal impedance 4Ω Crossover DSP needed Frequency range 50-20.000Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 83 dB/W/
Speaker Peak Power n/d Speaker RMS Power n/d Recommended Amplifier Power 50W (Classe D)
High Directivity
Thanks to its peculiar spherical joint the ICARUS_WALL can be easily directed according to acoustic and spatial needs. The use of a supporting subwoofer is not mandatory, but particularly recommended for the reproduction of music at high volumes or in all those confgurations where low frequencies are important.
FULL RANGE SOUND OUTPUT : Speaker type 3.5” Wide Band Nominal impedance 8Ω Crossover DSP needed
Frequency range 100-20.000Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 86 dB/W/m Recommended Amplifier Power 50W (Classe D)
Dimensions 20 x 11,9 cm diam. Weight 3.0 kg
Design Giulia Archimede
The Icarus Multi Category
The MULTI category (Icarus Multistand/Multiground/Multiwall) denotes a sub-family characterized by the presence of a double 2” diffuser that, thanks to the use of special joints, can be adjusted according to the needs. The entire MULTI category requires subwoofer support (the ICARUS SUB is recommended, but any sub in the AS range would work).
ICARUS MULTIWALL is the model designed to satisfy the needs of particular indoor installations. Thanks to its special plate (which makes the wiring very easy) the ICARUS_MULTIWALL can be easily positioned on walls or ceilings.
FULL RANGE SOUND OUTPUT Speaker type 2 x 2” Wide Band Nominal impedance 4Ω Crossover DSP needed
Frequency range:150-20.000Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 83 dB/W/ Recommended Amplifier Power 50W (Classe D) Dimensions 27 x 12cm plate Weight Satellite 4,0 Kg Design Giulia Archimede
Icarus Multiground is the element created for outdoor installations and it can be placed directly in the ground. Thanks to its special stand (with a special stabilizing plate), ICARUS_MULTIGROUND can be positioned very easily in the grass or between hedges.
Speaker type 2 x 2” Wide Band Nominal impedance 4Ω Crossover DSP needed Frequency range 150-20.000Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 83 dB/W/ Recommended Amplifier Power 50W (Classe D) Dimensions 90cm H (74.50 cm + 15.50 under ground) x 15 cm W Weight 9 Kg
Design Giulia Archimede
A new version of Spherina, confirming the great adaptability of the collection
Spherina in a new version, Midair, a good compromise between its hanging version and the floor ones, revealing itself as a real piece of furniture, with a refined design and lines that easily adapt to any context and indoor style.
Available in different colours in Concrete Mix Design, the Shine Line Special Edition, features concrete bodies enriched by the ancient “Gilding” technique, an ornamental decoration method, largely widespread in medieval art and architecture, to embellish an object through the application of a very thin layer of gold, called “gold leaf".
Architettura Sonora offers three different kinds of Gilding: in Gold, Copper and Silver leaf.
Speaker type 6” dual-concentric speaker Nominal impedance 8 ohm Crossover two way on board
Frequency range 60-20.000 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 88 Speaker Peak Power 300W Speaker RMS Power 150W Recommended Amplifier Power 200W (Class D)
Small Helmet
Innovative material shaped into an organic form, The Small Helmet is a satellite-suspended loudspeaker.
The Small Helmet has a warm tonal balance, distinguished by a directional sound emission
Speaker type 5” dual-concentric speaker Nominal impedance 8 Ω Crossover external waterproof boxed crossover. Hi-Pass filter at 60-70 Hz 12dB/oct recommended Frequency range 70-20.000 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 89 dB Speaker Peak Power 180W Speaker RMS Power 90W Recommended Amplifier Power 150W (Class D)
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions 649 x 248 x 314 mm Weight 5 kg Design Architettura Sonora
Naturalistic and clean design
Nature-Inspired Design
The naturalistic and clean design of the Small Drop makes it ideal for applications in different environments. The Small Drop is a satellite-suspended sound diffuser, highly directional with a bright tonal balance
Speaker type 5” dual-concentric speaker Nominal impedance 8 Ω Crossover external waterproof boxed crossover. Hi-Pass filter at 60-70 Hz 12dB/oct recommended Frequency range 70-20.000 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 89 dB Speaker Peak Power 180W Speaker RMS Power 90W Recommended Amplifier Power 150W (Class D)
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions 700 x 207 x 207 mm Weight 4 kg Design
High concentration of sound
Highly directional suspended loudspeaker enclosure with neutral tonal balance, the Drop is ideal for creating areas with a high concentration of real sound, both indoor and outdoor. The nature-inspired and clean design of the Small Drop makes it an ideal application in various settings. The Small Drop is a satellite-suspended sound module, highly directional with a bright tonal balance
Speaker type 6” dual-concentric speaker Nominal impedance 8 Ω Crossover two way on board Frequency range 50-20.000 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 89 dB Speaker Peak Power 300W Speaker RMS Power 150W Recommended Amplifier Power 200W (Class D)
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions 1025 x 312 x 314 mm Weight 6 Kg Design Architettura Sonora
A subwoofer unique in its kind
Strongly characterized by its expressive and organic design, the Shark is a subwoofer unique in its kind. A suspended subwoofer ideal for enhancing and boosting any sound experience, both indoor and outdoor
Speaker type 2 x 6” woofer Nominal impedance 4 Ω Crossover no crossover on board - DSP needed (HP 35 Hz 12dB/oct min; LP 120 Hz 12 dB/oct min) Frequency range 38-150 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 90 dB Speaker Peak Power 600W Speaker RMS Power 300W Recommended Amplifier Power 500W (Class D)
The outstanding expression of the ductility of our Cylinders
Cylinder Table The AS Cylinder family now adds its most complete and versatile element, a new opportunity to enjoy music even on more convivial occasions
FULL RANGE SOUND OUTPUT Speaker Type 6” dual-concentric speaker Nominal impedence 8 Ω Crossover two way on board Frequency Range 56-20.000 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 89 dB Speaker Peak Power 300 W Recommended Amplifier Power 200W (Class D) SUBWOOFER SOUND OUTPUT Speaker Type 6” Woofer Nominal Impedance 8 Ω Crossover no crossover on board - DSP needed (HP 35 Hz 12dB/oct min; LP 120 Hz 12 dB/oct min) Frequency Range 50-150 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 89 dB Speaker Peak Power 300W Speaker RMS Power 150W Recommended Amplifier Power 200W (Class D) OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions Ø 600 x 690 H Weight Design AS & Giulia Archimede LIGHTING MOOD
Light option, consisting of a Led Strip in a special notch around the loudspeaker area. The Light spreads in the lower part of the product, due to the reflection of the deflector. Lamp Specs Light source: LED module: 1x7W Rated output: 7W Led colour temperature: 3000K Power supply: 90-260V
A striking and pioneering piece of technology and design.
Composed of two overlapping glass hemispheres, when switched off, the lamp is green, perfectly blurring in the surrounding landscape; when switched on, it turns white, standing as a protector and guardian of the natural world, a "Tutelar light" of landscape. The omnidirectional sound emission spreading from the refined vitreous body through the raised base creates a magic alchemy of Light and Sound, making Medousê a striking and pioneering piece of technology and design, perfectly in line with Architettura Sonora and Catellani & Smith emotional approach to space and landscape.
FULL RANGE SOUND OUTPUT Speaker type 6” dual-concentric speaker Nominal impedence 8 Ω Crossover two way on board Frequency range 50-20.000 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 89 dB Speaker Peak Power 300W Speaker RMS Power 150W Recommended Amplifier Power 200W (Class D) SUBWOOFER SOUND OUTPUT Speaker type 6” Woofer Nominal impedence 8 Ω Crossover no crossover on board - DSP needed (HP 35 Hz 12dB/oct min; LP 120 Hz 12 dB/oct min) Frequency range 50-150 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 89 dB Speaker Peak Power 300W Speaker RMS Power 150W Recommended Amplifier Power 200W (Class D) OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions 550 x 660 mm Weight 40 Kg (31 Kg glass) Design Catellani&Smith + Architettura Sonora Material GREEN GLASS
Atmosphere of comfort and relaxation
Pleasant Atmosphere
Apollo is an indoor and outdoor bioethanol fireplace, propagating sound. With a base designed to propagate sound, it is an omnidirectional sound diffuser that creates a warm and pleasant atmosphere of comfort and relaxation. Suitable for any gathering venue.
SOUND OUTPUT Speaker type 6” dual-concentric speaker Nominal impedance 8 Ω Crossover two way on board Frequency range 55-20.000 Hz (-6dB) Sensitivity (1W-1m) 89 dB Speaker Peak Power 300W Speaker RMS Power 150W Recommended Amplifier Power 200W (Class D) OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions 900 x 1370 mm Weight 35 kg Design Acquaefuoco & Architettura Sonora Material PAINTED METAL Black or White GLASS FUMÈ Smoky effect Base Material PAINTED METAL STAINLESS STEEL SS 316 (polished, brushed, gunmetal)
The elegance of the lines
Clean Lines
The Pergola collection, simple and clean shapes harmonizing and blending in the architectural settings. Clean lines and elegance distinguishes the Pergola collection, available in both Line-array and Point-source versions, either suspended or floor-standing.
LINE ARRAY SOUND OUTPUT Speaker type 2” speakers Nominal impedance 4 Ω Crossover DSP needed Frequency range 150-20.000 Hz (-6dB) subwoofer needed Sensitivity (1W-1m) 90 dB Speaker Peak Power 130W Speaker RMS Power 65W Recommended Amplifier Power 100W (Class D)
POINT SOURCE SOUND OUTPUT Speaker type 2” speakers; High Freq: horn loaded driver Nominal impedance 4 Ω Crossover external waterproof boxed crossover Hi-Pass filter at 100-150 Hz 12dB/oct recommended Frequency range 150-20.000 Hz (-6dB) subwoofer needed Sensitivity (1W-1m) 90 dB Speaker Peak Power 120W Speaker RMS Power 60W Recommended Amplifier Power 100W (Class D)
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions 82 x 1212 mm Weight 3 Kg Design Vladimir Djurovic